
DigiLitEY member’s publications


Aliagas, C and Poveda, D (2017) Tecnologia digital, infancia i familia: resultats d’un informe nacional. Infància 217: pp. 8-12.

Aliagas, C and Margallo, A M (2016) Children’s responses to the interactivity of storybook apps in family shared reading events involving the iPad. Literacy, published online before print. doi:

Aliagas, C and Margallo, A M (2015) iPads, emergent readers and families, in Manresa, M and Real, N (eds.) Digital fiction for children: texts, readers and education. Bruxelles: P Lang, pp. 155-172.

Aliagas, C (2013) Créixer sans i forts en_línia: la lectura en pantalla a les aules de primària, in Baró, M, Aliagas, C and Gorchs, G. Com crear un ambient lector a l’escola? Fundació Jaume Bofill, pp. 17-31. ISBN: 978-84-941361-1-5.

A Burke and J Marsh (eds.) (2013) Children’s virtual play worlds: culture, learning and participation. New York: P Lang.

Chaudron, S Beutel, M E, Černikova, M, Donoso Navarette, V, Dreier, M, Fletcher-Watson, B, Heikkilä, A-S, Kontríková, V, Korkeamäki, R-L, Livingstone, S, Marsh, J, Mascheroni, G, Micheli, M, Milesi, D, Müller, K W, Myllylä-Nygård, T, Niska, M, Olkina, O, Ottovordemgentschenfelde, S, Plowman, L, Ribbens, W, Richardson, J, Schaack, C, Shlyapnikov, V, Šmahel, D, Soldatova, G and Wölfling, K (2015) Young children (0-8) and digital technology: A qualitative exploratory study across seven countries. JRC 93239 / EUR 27052 / ISBN 978-92-79-45023-5 / ISSN: 1831-9424. Full text

Chaudron, S., Gioia, R. D., Gemo, M., Holloway, D., Marsh, J., Mascheroni, G, Jochen, P. & Yamada-Rice, D. (2017). Kaleidoscope on the Internet of Toys: Safety, security, privacy and societal insights. Luxembourg: Joint Research Centre (JRC). Accessed at:

Correro, C and Real, N (in press) New and old forms of literary reading: digital works for young children, in Ramos, A, Cortez, T and Mourao, S (eds.) Children’s literature: fractures and disruptions. Cambridge scholar publishing.

Correro, C (2015) Panorama de la literatura infantil digital en España. A Actas del III Simposio Internacional Literatura e Informática. Belo horizonte: CEALE, UFMG, Brazil.

Correro, C (2014) Livros digitais para crianças. In centro de alfabetização, Leitura e escrita (Ceale). Glossário ceale − termos de alfabetização, Leitura e escrita para educadores. Belo Horizonte, Brasil. ISBN: 978-85-8007-079-8.

Correro, C and Real, N (2014) Panorámica de la literatura digital para la educación infantil. Revista textura ULBRA [Brasil], 16(32), pp. 224-244, set./des.2014. ISSN: 2358- 0801.

Correro, C and Real, N (2014) Aplicacions per a primeres edats. Proceedings of the international symposium literatura en pantalla: textos, lectors i pràctiques docents. Grup GRETEL: pp. 37-43. ISBN: 978-84-942706-4-2.

Flewitt, R S, Messer, D and Kucirkova, N (2015) New directions for early literacy in a digital age: the iPad. Journal of early childhood literacy, 15(3), pp. 289-310.

Flewitt, R S, Kucirkova, N and Messer, D (2014) Touching the virtual, touching the real: iPads and enabling literacy for students with learning disabilities. The Australian Journal of Language and Literacy Special Issue, 37(2), pp. 107-116.

Grimminger, A and Rohlfing, K J (2017) Can you teach me? Children teaching new words to a robot in a book reading scenario. Proceedings of the sixth international workshop on child computer interaction (WOCCI 2017), pp. 28-33.

Jaros, I and Wileczek, A (2014) Digital words... harnessing technology to develop literacy skills in early education of children (on the example of the Polish language), in Studia pedagogiczne. Problemy społeczne, edukacyjne i artystyczne, nr 2014/24, pp: 67-76, ISSN 2083-179X.

Karvalics, L (2014) Emerging new information literacies – a conceptual outlook, in Kurbanoğlu, S et al. (eds.) Information literacy. Lifelong learning and digital citizenship in the 21st century second European conference, ECIL 2014, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 20-23 October. Proceedings Springer. Communications in Computer and Information Science, pp. 37-46.

Kontovourki, S, Garoufallou, E, Ivarsson, L, Klein, M, Korkeamaki, R L, Koutsomiha, D, Marci-Boehncke, G, Tafa, E and Virkus, S (2017) Digital literacy in the early years: practices in formal settings, teacher education, and the role of informal learning spaces: a review of the literature. COST Action IS1410. Full report

Koziej, S and Jaros, I (2015) The use of mobile technology by teachers in lower primary education as an example of professional preparation for work in the era of information civilization. in Rangelova, E et al. (eds.) Teория и практика на психолого-педагогоцеската подготовка на специалиста б униберситета, Габрово. Bulgaria, 2, pp. 70-77. ISBN 978-954-490-477-7.

Kucirkova, N (2016) Personalisation: a theoretical possibility to reinvigorate children’s interest in storybook reading and facilitate greater book diversity. Contemporary issues in early childhood, 17(3), pp. 1-16. doi:

Kucirkova, N, Littleton, K and Cremin, T (2016) Young children’s reading for pleasure with digital books: six key facets of engagement. Cambridge journal of education, published online before print, doi:

Kucirkova, N (2016) iRPD- a framework for guiding design-based research with iPad apps. British Journal of Educational Technology, published online before print. doi:

Kucirkova, N and Sakr, M (2015) Child-father creative text-making at home with crayons, iPad, collage and PC. Thinking skills and creativity, published online before print. doi:

Kucirkova, N, Sheehy, K and Messer, D (2014) A Vygotskian perspective on parent-child talk during iPad story-sharing. Journal of Research in Reading, published online before print. doi:

Kucirkova, N, Messer, D, Critten, V and Harwood, J (2014) Story-making on the iPad when children have complex needs: two case studies. Communication Disorders Quarterly, published online before print. doi:

Kucirkova, N, Messer, D, Sheehy, K and Fernandez-Panadero, C (2014) Children’s engagement with educational iPad apps: insights from a Spanish classroom. Computers and Education, 71, pp. 175-184.

Kucirkova, N (2014) iPads in early education: separating assumptions and evidence. Frontiers, Educational Psychology, (5), pp. 1-3. doi:

Kucirkova, N (2013) Children interacting with books on iPads: research chapters still to be written. Frontiers in Psychology, Developmental Psychology, 4, pp. 1-3. doi:

Kümmerling-Meibauer, B (2016) The impact of new digital media on children’s and young adult literature, in Manresa, M and Real, N (eds.) Digital literature for children. Texts, Readers and Educational Practices, Brussels: Lang, pp. 57-72.

Kümmerling-Meibauer, B, Meibauer, J, Nachtigäller, K and Rohlfing, K (eds.) (2015) Learning from picture books. Perspectives from child development and literacy studies. New York: Routledge.

Kupiainen, R, Kulju, P, Lehtonen, D, Jyrkiäinen, A, Mäkinen, M and Wiseman, A (2019) Politics of difference: discourses on multiliteracies in pre- and primary classroom studies. Manchester, Manchester conference centre, UK. Reconceptualising early childhood literacies: an international conference.

Kupiainen, R, Leinonen, H, Mäkinen, M and Wiseman, A (2016) A digital book project with primary education teachers in Finland, in Knobel, M and Kalman, J (eds.) New literacies and teacher learning: professional development and the digital turn. New York: P Lang, pp.109-129.

Flewitt, R S, Kucirkova, N and Messer, D (2014) Touching the virtual, touching the real: iPads and enabling literacy for students with learning disabilities. The Australian Journal of Language and Literacy Special Issue, 37(2), pp. 107-116.

Kucirkova, N (2014) iPads in early education: separating assumptions and evidence. Frontiers, Educational Psychology, 5, pp.1-3. doi:

Kucirkova, N (2013) Children interacting with books on iPads: research chapters still to be written. Frontiers in Psychology, Developmental Psychology, 4, pp. 1-3. doi:

Livingstone, S, Mascheroni, G, Dreier, M, Chaudron, S and Lagae, K (2015) How parents of young children manage digital devices at home: the role of income, education and parental style. LSE, London: EU kids online. Full text

Livingstone, S (2015) What difference does ‘the digital’ make to children’s experiences of risk? International Journal of Public Health. doi:

Livingstone, S and Byrne, J (2015) Challenges of parental responsibility in a global perspective, in Gasser, U (ed.) Digitally connected: global perspectives on youth and digital media, pp. 26-29. Cambridge: Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University. Full text

Livingstone, S (2015) From mass to social media? Advancing accounts of social change. Social media and society, 1-3. Full text. doi:

Livingstone, S (2015) Children’s digital rights. InterMEDIA, 42(4/5), pp. 20-24. Full text

Lücking, P, Rohlfing, K J, Wrede, B and Schilling, M (2016) Preschoolers’ engagement in social interaction with an autonomous robotic system, in Proceedings of the IEEE ICDL-EpiRob 2016, Cergy-Pontoise.

Parijkova, L (2017) Research of connection between reading and digital literacy of children up to 11 years old. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, pp. 2996-3006. Seville, Spain, 16–18 November 2017. ISBN: 978-84-697-6957-7. ISSN: 2340-1095.

Margallo, A M and Aliagas, C (2014) ¿ómo transforma el Ipad las prácticas lectoras literarias? Un estudio etnográfico sobre los efectos del soporte digital en las experiencias de lectura infantil en el contexto familiar, in Moscoso, R and Fernanda, M (eds.) Contextos múltiples de socialización y aprendizaje. Un análisis desde la etnografia de la educación. Etnografia de la socialización en familias. Editorial Traficantes de Sueños, pp. 25-31. ISBN: 978-84-96453-91-X. (PDF, 13.6MB)

Marsh, J, Plowman, L, Yamada-Rice, D, Bishop, J C and Scott, F (2016) Digital play: a new classification. Early Years: an International Journal. Published online ahead of print, 23 May 2016.

Marsh, J and Yamada-Rice, D (2016) Bringing Pudsey to Life: young children’s use of augmented reality apps, in Kucirkova, N and Falloon, G (eds.) Apps, technology and younger learners: international evidence for teaching. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

Marsh, J and Bishop, J C (2013) Challenges in the use of social networking sites to trace potential research participants. International Journal of Research and Method in Education. Published online August 2013. doi:

Marsh, J and Bishop, J C (2012) Rewind and replay? Television and play in the 1950s/1960s and 2010s. International Journal of Play, 1(3), pp. 279–91.

Marsh, J (2012) Purposes for literacy in children’s use of the online virtual world ‘Club Penguin’. Journal of Research in Reading. Article first published online 11 June 2012. doi:

Morgade, M, González-Patiño, J and Poveda, D (2014) Del hogar a la ciudad como camino de ida y vuelta en el desarrollo de la identidad: el caso de las rutinas de la infancia urbana de clase media/alta en Madrid. Revista Educaçao & Sociedade, 35(128), pp. 761-780.

Poveda, D, Morgade, M, González-Patiño, J and Ronan, B (2014) La construcción social de una lectora sorda y signante. Funcasor Digital, 10 (Febrero), pp. 10-19.

Real, N and Correro, C (2015) Digital literature in early childhood. Reading experiences in family and school contexts, in Manresa, M and Real, N (eds.) (2015) Digital Literature for children: texts, readers and educational practices. Recherches comparatives sur les livres et le multimédia d’enfance, 9. Bruxelles: P Lang, pp. 173-189. ISBN: 978-2-87574-272-8 pb. e-ISBN: 978-3-0352-6577-4.

Uusitalo, N, Noppari, E and Kupiainen, R (2016) Talk to me! Possibilities of producing children’s voices in the domestic research context. Childhood. doi:

Wiseman, A, Kupiainen, R and Mäkinen, M (2015) Multimodal literacy and photography: literacy practices that support and extend classroom learning. In Kaartinen, T (ed.) Monilukutaito kaikki kaikessa. Publications by University of Tampere teacher training school, pp. 219-237. Full text

Wiseman, A, Mäkinen, M and Kupiainen, R (2015) Literacy through photography: multimodal and visual literacy in a third grade classroom. Early Childhood Education Journal. doi:


Kleinberger, U, Luginbuhl, M and Wagner, F (2014) Sprachbasierte Medienkompetenz von Kindern und Jugendlichen, Sprache in Kommunikation und Medien, 5. Bern: P Lang.

Larson, J and Marsh, J (2013) Handbook of early childhood literacy, second edn. London: Sage.

Marsh, J and Bishop, J C (2014) Changing play: play, media and commercial culture from the 1950s to the present day. Maidenhead, Open University Press.

Merchant, G, Gillen, J, Marsh, J and Davies, J (eds.) (2012) Virtual literacies: interactive spaces for children and young people. New York: Routledge.

Willett, R, Richards, C, Marsh, J, Burn, A and Bishop, J (2013) Children, media and playground cultures: ethnographic studies of school playtimes. Basingstoke: Palgrave.